A global player
Rosink-Werkstätten is a certified specialist in the developing and producing of heat exchangers, fully welded spiral finned tubes and boiler cleaning systems. With experience, knowledge and ingenuity, Rosink proves itself as a competent contact for all demands relating to heat recovery equipment and waste heat systems.
Our products
Heat Exchanger
Rosink-Werkstätten has great experience in heat exchangers to recover heat from exhaust gases, which would otherwise escape up the flue.
Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger
Without exception, all exhaust gas heat exchangers from Rosink-Werkstätten fulfil the highest quality requirements. They are used in various municipal and industrial tasks to ensure environmentally friendly and cost-saving heat recovery.
Even the exhaust gas of modern steam boilers still contains a lot of energy that can be used. This is where Rosink-Werkstätten Economisers are applied. As feed water pre-heater they supply the boiler with pre-heated water.
Waste Water Heat Exchangers
Waste water heat exchangers are mainly used for heat scalding tubs. They use the thermal energy contained in the wastewater. The waste water heat exchangers from Rosink-Werkstätten have the necessary robustness and compactness for this form of heat recovery.
Fintube Division
Over the years, Rosink-Werkstätten has established itself as one of the leading companies in development and production of finned tubes.
Fully Welded Helically Finned Tubes
Rosink-Werkstätten have been very successful in producing helical finned tubes for more than 30 years. In addition, Rosink-Werkstätten operate three high-frequency finning lines in their factories
H Finned Tubes
Rectangular finned tubes are manufactured as per customers’ requirements. These are particularly suitable for dust laden exhaust gases, e.g. for H fin economizers in coal and oil fired units or waste incinerators.
Boiler Cleaning Systems
The boiler cleaning systems include all equipment needed for the cleaning of heating surfaces in power plants and industrial boilers.
Soot Blowers
Depending on requirement and availability, steam, compressed air and water are possible cleaning media for the soot blowers. The cleaning medium under pressure is converted into velocity in the nozzles. The kinetic energy of the blowing jet cleans the heating surfaces.
Water Cannon RWC-HD
Rosink-Werkstätten’s Water Canon RWC-HD is the ideal solution for the rough service conditions in power stations with an extremely high dust exposure and thermal load. It is especially suited to reduce excessive fouling hence reducing non-operation periods considerably.
Water Spraying System RWS
The special feature of this solution is the special flexible hose that is lowered from the swiveling drum located above the insertion gate nozzle on the top of the boiler. Due to the swiveling movement, the nozzle head is rotating during travelling into the boiler.
Rapping Systems
The rapping systems of Rosink-Werkstätten are mainly used in waste incinerators with horizontal boiler flues. Suspended evaporators, superheaters and economizers are cleaned by means of rapping.
Shot Cleaning Systems
Rosink-Werkstätten cannot only design and realize new plants but also assure the supply of spare parts for existing FEG shot cleaning systems.
After Sales Service
We stand by your side using our know-how to save the value and to continually improve the processes of your plant. Our services are individually tailored to your requirements and are carried out professionally by our in-house service team. We offer spare parts and service concepts for all our products and their entire life cycle.
Since the founding in 1980, Rosink-Werkstätten has gained reputation as a reliable partner in the field of finned tubes heat exchangers, finned tubes, economizers and boiler cleaning systems like the rapping system. With the newest technical equipment and a competent staff, Rosink faces all customer-specific and location-specific challenges. The entire team stands for dedicated, safe and quality-conscious service. Engineering is one of the mainstays of the company. Rosink manufactures heat exchangers like the finned tubes heat exchanger and economizers for various applications and participated in extensive experience with producing heat recovery equipment and waste heat systems.
The fully welded helically finned tubes are produced by the patented NOH process. Additionally double and single rectangular finned tubes complement the production program. The comprehensive boiler cleaning systems include all equipment needed for the professional and safe cleaning of heating surfaces in power plants and industrial boilers. In the interests of the customers, Rosink combines the designing and manufacturing of heat exchangers, finned tubes, economizers and other products with a versatile range of services like the identifying of optimization potential.

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Otto-Hahn-Str. 23
48529 Nordhorn